The film “Go. Stand. Speak” delves into the doctrine of public preaching with experts such as Pastor Albert N. Martin, Dr. George Grant, Paul Washer, Greg Gordon, Pastor John Reuther, Rusty Lee Thomas, David Legge, Ray Comfort, Stuart Migdon, Michael Marcavage, Jeff Rose, Shawn Holes, Sean Morris and other Christian leaders… and uncovers the big question…is this quiet, new move of public preaching something that is simply a trend, or is it again the beginning of a move of God where He is simply doing what He always has done…calling His ministers to go and preach His message of repentance and faith where the people gather in the public, regardless of culture, current trends, or the popularity of the message and method?
Discover the Biblical mandate for public preaching and how to ethically, legally, lovingly and boldly publicly proclaim the gospel in the public using various methods and ways directly from the Word of God. Grab your copy here.
The documentary “Go. Stand. Speak: The Forgotten Power of the Public Proclamation of the Gospel” was jointly produced by The Apologetics Group and Go Stand Speak Ministries: