Open Air Preaching :: What to Avoid and What to Do {e-book}



If you are like me, you get tired of searching for books on open-air preaching. Open-air preaching is a means by which God uses men to reach His elect. Preaching outdoors may seem vintage, antique or even out of style with today’s electronic computer crazed culture.

But if we would just slow down and read our bibles we would see clearly and loudly that the public proclamation of the Gospel will never be out-dated or replaced. Tragically today street preaching has become an unpopular mode for American Christianity.

Todays culturally relevant frenzy of fun loving programs and trendy get ’em in the door enterprises has all but replaced Biblical Evangelism.

When a man declares the desire to apply the Word of God to our sin saturated porned out culture, he is looked at like a mad man or worse yet, a criminal!

George Whitefield said in his day “In our days, to be a true Christian is really to become a scandal.”

Open-air preaching will always seem scandalous. There is absolutely nothing we can do to erase this stigma, it is the way of many thousands who have went before us, even our greatest example our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, let’s not forsake what Ryle calls “the old apostolic weapon,” that agency that changes nations. We must not fall under the spell and bewitching desire to make the Gospel more attractive and palpable to the world.

This tiny little book is packed and laced with solid wisdom and helps that will be like powder in your cannon. John Galt was used mightily in the open-air in the 19th century. He wrote this book to help those who were serious about preaching outdoors.

I am very grateful to be able to offer this book to the public.

Jeff Rose
JeremiahCry Ministries

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